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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!faqserv
From: mike@vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at
Newsgroups: comp.unix.questions,comp.std.internat,comp.software.international,comp.lang.c,comp.windows.x,comp.std.c,comp.answers,news.answers
Subject: Programming for Internationalization FAQ
Supersedes: <internationalization/programming-faq_824542314@rtfm.mit.edu>
Followup-To: comp.unix.questions,comp.std.internat,comp.software.international,comp.lang.c,comp.windows.x,comp.std.c
Date: 19 Mar 1996 03:49:32 GMT
Organization: TU Wien
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU
Expires: 2 May 1996 03:44:19 GMT
Message-ID: <internationalization/programming-faq_827207059@rtfm.mit.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: bloom-picayune.mit.edu
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Summary: This FAQ discusses writing programs which can handle
different language conventions/character sets/etc.
Applicable to all character set encodings; with particular
emphasis on ISO-8859-1.
X-Last-Updated: 1995/10/11
Originator: faqserv@bloom-picayune.MIT.EDU
Archive-name: internationalization/programming-faq
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Version: 1.91
Programming for Internationalization
Michael K. Gschwind
Note: Most of this was tested on a Sun 10, running SunOS 4.1.* - other
systems might differ slightly
This FAQ discusses topics related to internationalization. Simple i18n
support for Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East might use of
the ISO 8859-X based 8 bit character sets. For wider portability, a
standard such as Unicode is in order.
This FAQ discusses how to program applications which support the use
European (Latin American) national character sets on UNIX-based
systems and standard C environments, and discusses some choices with
respect to character sets.
Most of the information given here is independent of the character
encoding used (e.g. DEC MCS, ISO Latin-X, etc.), but can be applied to
any character set, providing the programming environment has
provisions for this standard.
1. Which coding should I use for accented characters?
Use the internationally standardized ISO-8859-1 character set to type
accented characters. This character set contains all characters
necessary to type (West) European languages. This encoding is also the
preferred encoding on the Internet. ISO 8859-X character sets use the
characters 0xa0 through 0xff to represent national characters, while
the characters in the 0x20-0x7f range are those used in the US-ASCII
(ISO 646) character set. Thus, ASCII text is a proper subset of all
ISO 8859-X character sets.
The characters 0x80 through 0x9f are earmarked as extended control
chracters, and are not used for encoding characters. These characters
are not currently used to specify anything. A practical reason for
this is interoperability with 7 bit devices (or when the 8th bit gets
stripped by faulty software). Devices would then interpret the character
as some control character and put the device in an undefined state.
(When the 8th bit gets stripped from the characters at 0xa0 to 0xff, a
wrong character is represented, but this cannot change the state of a
terminal or other device.)
This character set is also used by AmigaDOS, MS-Windows, VMS (DEC MCS
is practically equivalent to ISO 8859-1) and (practically all) UNIX
implementations. MS-DOS normally uses a different character set and
is not compatible with this character set. (It can, however, be
translated to this format with various tools. See section 5.)
Footnote: Supposedly, IBM code page 819 is fully ISO 8859-1 compliant.
ISO 8859-1 supports the following languages:
Afrikaans, Basque, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Faeroese, Finnish,
French, Galician, German, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Norwegian,
Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.
(It has been called to my attention that Albanian can be written with
ISO 8859-1 also. However, from a standards point of view, ISO 8859-2
is the appropriate character set for Balkan countries.)
ISO 8859-1 is just one part of the ISO-8859 standard, which specifies
several character sets:
8859-1 Europe, Latin America
8859-2 Eastern Europe
8859-3 SE Europe/miscellaneous (Esperanto, Maltese, etc.)
8859-4 Scandinavia/Baltic (mostly covered by 8859-1 also)
8859-5 Cyrillic
8859-6 Arabic
8859-7 Greek
8859-8 Hebrew
8859-9 Latin5, same as 8859-1 except for Turkish instead of Icelandic
8859-10 Latin6, for Lappish/Nordic/Eskimo languages
Another nascent standard is UNICODE (ISO 10646). UNICODE is an
extension of ISO 8859-1 (which itself is an extension of US-ASCII) to
wide characters. Thus, most of the world's languages (including
Japanese, Korean, Chinese...) can be covered.
Unicode is advantageous because one character set suffices to encode
all the world's languages. The degree of Unicode support available
depends on the operating system and on application availability.
However very few programs support wide characters. Thus, a `cheap'
upgrade from 7 bit US-ASCII might be to only 8 bit wide character sets
(such as the ISO 8859-X). Unfortunately, some programmers still
insist on using the `spare' eigth bit for clever tricks, which will
make conversion more difficult.
Footnote: Some people have complained about missing characters,
e.g. French users about a missing 'oe'. Note that oe is
not a character, but a ligature (a combination of two
characters for typographical purposes). Ligatures are not
part of the ISO 8859-X standard. (Although 'oe' used to
be in the draft 8859-1 standard before it was unmasked as
`mere' ligature.)
2. Choosing the character set encoding
Depending on your needs, you will probably want to choose different
solutions. A quick shot i18n of US programs might simply be going to
8 bit and use one of the ISO 8859-X character sets.
If you have a choice and start from scratch, you might want to
consider Unicode. There are several aspects to choosing a particular
character set (and you may want to decide on different character sets
for different purposes):
1) what codeset should the application run in?
2) what codeset should files be saved in
3) what codeset is used as output (to screens etc.) and
4) should wide characters or multi-byte characters be used (this
choice may be different for each of points 1-3)
For example, if portability of your files across cultural borders is
an objective, you might want to use some form of Unicode encoding to
achieve this. If interaction with other tools in your environment is
the main objective, and these tools use an encoding different from
Unicode, this character set might be used instead.
Using Unicode internally but writing a different format to files may
sound funny (esp. if the output file format is only a subset of
Unicode), but you would only have to adapt the file write and read
functions and the same program will be able to execute in all
countries your product might be used...)
Also, terminals and/or which process Unicode may not be available (or
you might have to support legacy hardware), so you might need to adapt
the output format to a third standard.
2. Getting your environment right for ISO 8859-X
To configure your environment such that you can enter, process and
display 8 bit ISO characters, check out the ISO-8859-1 FAQ available
via anonymous ftp from ftp.vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at in
If you use a different encoding, you will probably also have to
configure your system to fully support that encoding.
3. Setting your environment for ISO-C (ANSI-C) programs
The ISO C Standard (ANSI C Standard 4.4) defines several functions for
supporting localization. To set your international environment on
program startup, you should make one or several calls to the setlocale
functions. Calls to this function will predetermine the reaction of
other localization functions according to your language/country
To configure a particular aspect of you environment, say the number
representation, you would call
setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, "Germany");
This call would set all number representation functions defined in the
localization set to return numbers in the format used in Germany. If
the call was successful, setlocale will return the name of your
locale. A NULL return value indicates failure. Note that the
environments are predetermined outside your C program by the system
you run on. (So the example given here is likely to fail on all but a
few systems.) Check the setlocale manual page or your system
documentation to find out about the environments available.
There are several LOCALE types available for different localization
aspects (currency sign, number representation, characters sets). The
value they can take is highly system dependent. Also, it should be up
to the user to define the locale environment he needs.
A C program inherits its locale environment variables when it starts up.
This happens automatically. However, these variables do not
automatically control the locale used by the library functions, because
ISO/ANSI C says that all programs start by default in the standard C
locale. To use the locales specified by the environment, The POSIX
standard defines the following call:
setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
Of course, you can only set part of your environment, by calling, say:
setlocale (LC_CTYPE, "");
This only defines the character classification macros (defined in
This is a list of local categories:
Effect of Specifying Environment Variable
category the Value Affected
LC_ALL Sets or queries LANG
entire environment
LC_COLLATE Changes or queries LC_COLLATE
collation sequences
LC_CTYPE Changes or queries LC_CTYPE
character classifi-
LC_NUMERIC Changes or queries LC_NUMERIC
number format infor-
LC_TIME Changes or queries LC_TIME
time conversion
LC_MONETARY Changes or queries LC_MONETARY
monetary information
4. Using the locale information for character classification
If you write a program which supports international use, you should
use the available standardized functions, as only these will be
influenced by the setlocale call. Thus, if you want to convert a
capital letter in c to a lower case letter in l, _don't_ write:
l = c - 'A' + 'a';
While this will work for characters in the US-ASCII character set, it
will not work with many other character sets. The following,
standard-conformant code will:
#include <ctype.h>
l = tolower(c);
Also note that the second code may actually be faster than even the
full "C" locale functionality (for most implementations), as it
replaces a complex expression ( (c<='Z' && c>='A')? c-'A'+a:c; )by a simple
table lookup!
Note that this ISO standard is independent of the character set
encoding used!
5. Language independent messages
There are two competing standards for language independent messages:
one by X/Open, and another one propagated by Sun. The X/Open standard
seems to have found a larger following as it has been around for a
longer time. As of Solaris 2.x, Sun supports both the X/Open and Sun
message standards. (they used to support only their own "standard".)
5.1 X/Open language independent messages
X/Open defines a method for providing language-independent messages.
Error messages are kept in a catalog which is opened upon program
start with a locale specification. Then the message number and a set
specification are used to index the message catalog. A default fourth
argument is specified which will be printed if a particular message
cannot be found in the catalog.
Here is the world-famous C program using the language-independent
X/Open message standard:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <nl_types.h>
#define SET 1
#define MSG_HELLO 1
nl_catd catfd;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
/* Open the message catalog. We use the basename of the program
* as the catalog name. Of course, several programs can also
* share a common catalog.
catfd = catopen (basename (argv [0]), NL_CAT_LOCALE);
/* catgets returns message MSG_HELLO from set SET from the
* message catalog catfd. If catfd does not refer to a message
* catalog, or the requested message cannot be found, the
* catalog, or the requested message cannot be found, the
* fourth argument is returned.
printf (catgets (catfd, SET, MSG_HELLO, "hello, world\n"));
catclose (catfd);
return 0;
For catopen, specify the constant NL_CAT_LOCALE to open the message
catalog for the locale set for the LC_MESSAGES variable; using
NL_CAT_LOCALE conforms to the XPG4 standard. You can specify 0 (zero)
for compatibility with XPG3; when oflag is set to zero, the locale set
for the LANG variable determines the message catalog locale.
Several utilities exist for generating message catalogs and for
upgrading programs which contain hard-wired strings:
* gencat is used to generate message catalogs
[All other programs are OS-specific:]
* Ultrix and OSF support the extract program which will extract string
constants from the C source code, and has an option to replace these
strings with calls to catgets.
* HP/UX has a similar utility called findmsg.
* Under OSF, message catalogs may be listed with the dspcat utility.
* HP/UX calls a similar utility dumpmsg.
5.2 Sun/Uniforum
Sun implements a different set of functions functions to support i18n
of messages. This mechanism is now also used by the GNU project to
support localized error messages:
You can either use:
// get the message catalog named "helloprogram"
// for the hello world program
// get the translation for the "Hello, world\n" string
printf(gettext("Hello, world\n"));
or you can roll all in one and write
// get the translation for the "Hello, world\n" string
// from the message catalog "helloprogram"
printf(dgettext("helloprogram","Hello, world\n"));
The LC_MESSAGES locale category setting determines the locale of
strings that gettext() returns. The message catalogs are generated
with either the installtxt or gencat commands.
No opening of files as in the old SYS V and X/Open routines, and no
handling of message numbers that you must have in a database to
administer. However, this mechanism is only supported by Sun. Sun
tried to push it into COSE, but without success.
This mechanism is available eithe with the Xview environment (the
source is available with the XView code), or from the GNU project at
5.3 POSIX language independent messages
Neither of the previous two mechanisms is in the POSIX standard.
There was much disagreement in the POSIX.1 committee about using the
gettext routines vs. catgets (XPG). In the end the committee couldn't
agree on anything, so no messaging system was included as part of the
standard. I believe the informative annex of the standard includes the
XPG3 messaging interfaces, "...as an example of a messaging system
that has been implemented..."
They were very careful not to say anywhere that you should use one set
of interfaces over the other.
6. Other localization aspects in ISO/ANSI C (and POSIX environments)
For a more thorough discussion of localization and
internationalization (aka. i18n), check your system vendors
documentation, and the C library manual which comes with the FSF's
glibc library (Chapter 19, 'Locales and Internationalization').
7. Internationalization under X11
While X11 is farther than most system software when it comes to
internationalization, it still contains many bugs. A number of bug
fixes can be found at URL http://www.dtek.chalmers.se:80/~maf/i18n/.
7.1 Output
To output text encoded with ISO 8859-1 under X11, simply invoke the X
display routines with 8 bit characters as you would use them with
7-bit ASCII. You should however choose a font which contains bitmaps
for these characters. You can use the xfd utility to display a font
to verify that it contains a full set of characters.
7.2 Input
If you use a national keyboard (that is a keyboard, which has distinct
keys for your countries special characters), inputting accents is
straight forward and you'll get the corresponding characters by using
the X11 input functions.
Sometimes it may be necessary to input characters for which there are
no keys on your keyboard (e.g. if you want to enter the German '▀'
from a French keyboard).
"X11R5 and X11R6 both have extensive support for i18n, but due to a
variety of factors the R5 i18n was not well understood or widely
used. Many people resorted to a work-around and might have been
disappointed when R6 did not include this feature. It is important
to recognize that the correct use of R5 and R6 i18n features will
ensure maximum portability of your program." [X Consortium's view]
Unfortunately, not even the xterm terminal emulator supplied with the
X11 distribution by the X Consortium supports this input method
mechanism. The lack of missing code samples (and support for this
feature in some non-essential, but widely used X11 parts) may have
contributed to this situation.
Footnote: Amongst other reasons, the X Consortium decision not to add
support for input methods to the Xaw Athena widget contributes to this
situation. Xaw is officially not supported by the X Consortium, and
thus has only marginally been improved since X11R4. However, many
users (and much of the PD software) live in an Xaw-only world, so they
will not be able to benefit from this i18n effort.
X11 R5 and R6 support input methods for entering non-ASCII, and
displaying and configuring text, menus etc. for a wide variety of
languages. This input method has to be installed by the application
by calls to the Xlib library (or an Xt toolkit call).
[Under X11R5, some X servers (notably the Xsun server) will let you
enter ISO characters by supplying a built-in escape mechanism, if no
keys for these characters are on your keyboard, and will pass along
and display ISO 8859-1. This hack obviated the need to install an
input method, but was less flexible.]
If you are using a toolkit, it is quite simple to support localization
of your X11 code:
If you're using a toolkit -- Xt and a widget set like Motif or R6 Xaw --
you need only add a single line of code to your source. Before any other
calls to Xt, add a call to XtSetLanguageProc, e.g.:
int main (int argc, char** argv)
XtSetLanguageProc (NULL, NULL, NULL);
top = XtAppInitialize ( ... );
The LANG and LC_xxx environment variables (see section 3) will then be
used to determine the 'input method' for this X application. This
input method is responsible for managing COMPOSE character sequences
or any other input mechanism for this particular implementation. Also
see section 9 of ftp://ftp.vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at/pub/8bit/FAQ-ISO-8859-1,
the FAQ on ISO 8859-1 usage.
7.3 Toolkits, Widgets, and I18N
The preferred way of inputing national characters when a national
keyboard is not available is one/several input methods. These input
methods will then support various kinds of compose sequences to enter
national characters.
The environment variables LANG and/or LC_xxx select the language for
the Input Method (IM), but if several input methods exist, the
environment variable XMODIFIERS can be used to select a specific input
Xlib, Xt and (partially) Xaw support IMs. Thus, applications written
with Xlib or Xt can support IMs (see section 7.2 on how to install
input methods under Xt).
Motif 1.2 or greater automatically uses the R5/R6 input method APIs.
Thus applications using Motif 1.2+ can be made to support IMs.
Several Motif 1.[01] versions also had similar functionality added to
them by the respective vendors, but these extensions are
vendor-specific and not portable.
Xaw i18n is based upon X11R5 i18n, not on R6. Thus, it supports R5
input methods. R6 added OUTPUT METHODS which are good for mainly
R-to-L languages, and a few new INPUT METHODS (in-the-spot and I think
one other) that Xaw might not support. Xaw does support
over-the-spot, off-the-spot, and root-window conversion. To make this
work, you might need to set "*international: True" in your resources.
FOOTNOTE: If you can have comments/corrections for this section and on
OpenLook, please let me know.
7.4 I18N under X11R6, General Information
Background information from the X11R6 announcement:
Internationalization (also known as I18N, there being 18 letters between the
i and n) of the X Window System, which was originally introduced in Release
5, has been significantly improved in R6. The R6 I18N architecture follows
that in R5, being based on the locale model used in ANSI C and POSIX, with
most of the I18N capability provided by Xlib. R5 introduced a fundamental
framework for internationalized input and output. It could enable basic
localization for left-to-right, non-context sensitive, 8-bit or multi-byte
codeset languages and cultural conventions. However, it did not deal with
all possible languages and cultural conventions. R6 also does not cover all
possible languages and cultural conventions, but R6 contains substantial new
Xlib interfaces to support I18N enhancements, in order to enable additional
language support and more practical localization.
The additional support is mainly in the area of text display. In order to
support multi-byte encodings, the concept of a FontSet was introduced in R5.
In R6, Xlib enhances this concept to a more generalized notion of output
methods and output contexts. Just as input methods and input contexts sup-
port complex text input, output methods and output contexts support complex
and more intelligent text display, dealing not only with multiple fonts but
also with context dependencies. The result is a general framework to enable
bi-directional text and context sensitive text display.
The description of the X11R6 internationalization framework is
available via anonymous ftp from ftp.x.org in
8. Supporting I18N Network Protocols
8.1 MIME
MIME is specified in RFC 1521 and RFC 1522 which are available from
ftp.uu.net. There is also a MIME FAQ which is available via anonymous
ftp from ftp.ics.uci.edu in /mh/contrib/multimedia/mime-faq.txt.gz.
(This file is in compressed format. You will need the GNU gunzip
program to decompress this file.)
If you want to write applications which support the MIME protocol,
there are several libraries/tools which can ease your task:
8.1.1 metamail
Source for supporting MIME (the `metamail' package) in various mail
readers is available via anonymous ftp from thumper.bellcore.com in
/pub/nsb. This distribution consists of several utilities, which can
be called by MIME applications to handle MIME types.
8.1.2 MIMElt
A "lightweight" MIME library available via anon ftp from
It is source code (ANSI C) packaged as a library to facilitate
construction of a limited MIME facility (limited == handling only
character-set aspects of MIME, not the multimedia-aspects). It
includes hooks to recode character sets into whatever system you are
running off (e.g. if you read mail on a MsDos platform using CP-850,
MIMElite may be set up so that QUOTED-PRINTABLE ISO Latin 1 is recoded
into CP-850 for reading and saving to file).
It's main use is to provide programmers of so-called "off-line
readers" (used by users who access Internet mail through dial-up
service providers) with the tools needed to include proper support for
QUOTED-PRINTABLE encoding in their product.
The archive also contains a couple of sample applications that
demonstrates how the library may be used. UNMIME is a stand-alone
utility to decode MIME-encoded messages (e.g. it works like UUDECODE
for binary files with BASE64 encoding), SENDMIME is a simple utility
to send MIME-encoded messages if your service provider doesn't have
PINE or similar tools.
The current version (2.1) is limited to character set issues. I am
about to release version 2.2, which will support additional
Content-Types (e.g. "application/octet-stream").
9. Programming in Prolog
Quintus Prolog and SICStus Prolog accepts ISO characters as part of
atoms, so you can even define goal names containing accented
characters. I/O of 8 bit characters is (obviously) also supported.
Quintus Prolog also can handle Kanji.
10. Unicode
Support for wide characters has been incorporated in a number of new
operating system offerings, including SVR4 compliat systems (e.g.,
Solaris 2.x, Unixware, IRIX5/6, Sony NEWSOS 6.x). Other systems which
support wide characters are Digital Unix (nee OSF/1), DEC Ultrix
(version 4.x), SunOS (as of version 4.1.x), HPUX 9 and 10, AIX 3 and
4, several public BSD versions (FreeBSD, NetBSD, BSD/OS) as well as
Linux, although the Linux locale support is weak.
Note that 'support for Unicode' means different things to different
people. Thus, Unix vendors claim Unicode support if they fulfill the
* They define wchar_t in stddef.h.
* They have ANSI functions mblen, mbstowcs, wctomb, mbtowc, and wcstombs.
* The remaining infrastructure (file names, program names, shells,
systems programs, etc.) is still at 8 bit characters.
Note that support for wchar_t and the mentioned ANSI functions is
enopugh to write Unicode programs. You can even use Unicode
characters in falinames, if you use an 8 bit file-system safe
transformation for Unicode.
Footnote: Transformations are Unicode magic: in order to comply with
exisitng infrastructure, Unicode can be 'transformed' into a
variety of encodings: 8 bit, 16 bit, file system safe, etc.etc.
When needed, these transformations are then transformed back
into a canonical Unicode form.
However, you may not be able to process these filenames properly from
within your other favorite programs, and they might not even display
correctly, depending on you output devices. Thus, even simple
operations such as 'mv', 'cp' or file redirection may be problematic!
Wide character strings have no locale info associated with them so would
be meaningless in the wrong locale. You never write files of wchar_t, you
always convert the data to multi-byte format. The same rationale would
apply to filenames in the file system, exec parameters, shells, etc.
Since the API for doing these thing all use char or char* it would be
very difficult to get wchar_t data to be used.
The only OS I know of that uses Unicode is MS WindowsNT and this is one
of the difficulties in exporting NTFS file systems to Unix. The APIs for
things like (f)open, etc., are all ANSI, so the library or the kernel
must convert the ASCII string into a Unicode wchar_t string. (NT doesn't
have the exec* family of functions, it uses spawn*, which all take
char or char* arguments.) All system calls under NT have ASCII and
Unicode variations. Internally, the ASCII versions seem to translate
to Unicode, but this is just a guess.
I'm not aware of any Unix that has support for ISO-10646 (or Unicode) yet.
X has preliminary support for it in R6, but it only supports CJK and
ASCII at this point in time and it would be difficult, if not impossible
to use given that there is no underlying OS support for it.
ACK: Thanks to Kaleb Keithley who explained these concepts to me.
All errors are mine.
11. ISO 8859-1 on non-UNIX systems
11.1 MS-DOS
MS-DOS generally uses its own characters set. There are several code
pages (one with the same symbols as ISO 8859-1, albeit at different
character code positions, which can lead to problems with the transfer
of data).
If interoperability without data conversion is your goal, you can
reconfigure your MS-DOS PC to use an ISO-8859-1 code page. Check out
the anonymous ftp archive ftp.uni-erlangen.de, which contains data on
how to do this (and other ISO-related stuff) in /pub/doc/ISO/charsets.
The README file contains an index of the files you need.
Most (all?) C compilers/libraries for MS-DOS have only minimal support
for the ANSI/POSIX locale mechanism. The setlocale() and localeconv()
calls (and stuff like strxfrm()) are generally hardwired.
11.2 MS Windows
MS-Windows (using code page 1252) normally uses the first 256
characters of Unicode, which is (for all practical purposes)
equivalent to ISO 8859-1. Thus, data representation and conversion
for interoperability with other ISO 8859-1 compliant systems is not an
It seems that C libraries for MS Windows do not support the ANSI/POSIX
locale mechanism. (If you have any experiences with that, please let
me know.) There is a POSIX-like mechanism in some Microsoft platform
services, but none in the compilers from any vendor.
Windows NT supports Unicode, which is a super-set of ISO 8859-1.
There does not seem to be support for the locale mechanism under
Windows NT.
11.3 OS/2
Text mode OS/2 programs generally suffer the same limitations as do
MS-DOS programs, because the display hardware is the same.
Presentation Manager OS/2 programs using code page 1004 will order
the font glyphs in the same sequence as ISO 8859-1 (although of
course whether the glyphs will actually look anything like those
from ISO 8859-1 depends entirely from the font).
The IBM CSet++ compiler supports full internationalization, with
several predefined locales.
The Borland C++ compiler supports only the "C" locale.
The Watcom C++ compiler supports only the "C" locale.
The Metaware High C++ compiler supports only the "C" locale. It
does, however, also support UNICODE, providing UNICODE character
types and UNICODE versions of the appropriate parts of the standard
library (including I/O).
11.4 Apple Macintosh
MacIntoshes have their own non-standard character encodings; the first
128 characters are US-ASCII but the remaining characters are
non-standard. If you connect to the rest of the world, NCSA telnet
does support ISO 8859-1.
Symantec's THINK C provides setlocale() is provided for ANSI C
compatibility only. Only the minimal "C" locale is implemented.
It doesn't change your program's locale.
I do not know whether C libraries (for which compilers?) for the
MacIntosh support the ANSI/POSIX locale mechanism. If you have any
experiences with that, please let me know.
In fact the Macintosh has very good i18n facilities, but they are
accessed through non-ANSI-standard things like the Script Manager, so
they are useless for people who want to write portable programs.
11.5 DEC OpenVMS (Alpha and Vax systems)
DEC recently implemented support for the XPG4 world-wide portability
interfaces as well as XPG4 message catalogs. You need DEC C V5.0 and
OpenVMS V6.2 (for either Alpha or VAX systems)
11.6 Amiga
The AmigaOS uses ISO-8859-1. As of OS version 2.1, Amiga-specific
means of localization are available.
12. Home location of this document
12.1 www
You can find this and other i18n documents under URL
12.2 ftp
The most recent version of this document is available via anonymous
ftp from ftp.vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at under the file name
Copyright ⌐ 1994,1995 Michael Gschwind (mike@vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at)
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copyright notice appears. Publication in any other form requires the
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Michael Gschwind, Institut f. Technische Informatik, TU Wien
snail: Treitlstrasse 3-182-2 || A-1040 Wien || Austria
email: mike@vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at PGP key available via www (or email)
www : URL:http://www.vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at/mike/mike.html
phone: +(43)(1)58801 8156 fax: +(43)(1)586 9697
Multiculturalism is the concept that European cultures should be
flexible enough to accommodate the inflexibility of all others.